Book for a Buck - ongoing...
Books on bookshelf in hallway are for sale - $1 ea
- ongoing...
Fair Trade Coffee, Tea, Chocolate Fundraiser -
(UUSC Coffee Project)
Purchase in church sanctuary
Equal Exchange provides us with high quality products supporting small-scale farmers & democratically-run cooperatives, sustainable farming practices, & UUSC programs such as the Small Farmer Fund.
Bulbs/Plants Sale - Fall...
Plant in the Fall and have flowers this coming Spring! 50% of the price of each of the packages will go to the church. Share this opportunity to get quality bulbs & plants with your friends.
Annual Rummage Sale
- annually in June...
Always a great success & an amazing recycling effort!
Used Book Sale - biennial...
Thanks to all who donate books, make purchases & help out!
Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA)
We open our Annual Stewardship Pledge season each March... During a March Sunday Service we celebrate the true meaning of why we come to church & why so many of us are socially & environmentally conscientious.
We strive to pledge--not only our financial support-- but time, energy, experience & our creative gifts.
We graciously thank you for your past generosity! Contemplate your current budget & begin to envision your yearly Fiscal & Personal Energy (FPE) pledge, so we may have a balanced budget & lots of wonderful events to share in the future!Virtually all our operating funds come from the financial support of our current members & active friends! Contemplate the Unitarian Universalist Church of Utica & its importance in your life and in the lives of all who are a part of this wonderful community. Choose a pledge amount which will make you feel really good about what you give.
What we give with open hearts & generous spirits always comes back to us in a variety of wonderful ways...
We graciously encourage all current members & active friends to pledge for the upcoming year.
Please make sure your pledge amount is comfortable for your budget.
Heartfelt thanks for your generosity & support
Payments can be made however is most convenient:
Weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly, or as one advanced paymentMake checks payable to “Unitarian Universalist Church of Utica”.
Please write “pledge” & current year in memo area of check.
Please present cash donations in person at church.
BRING pledges to Sunday Service...
Unitarian Universalist Church of Utica
10 Higby Road
Utica, New York 13501
Attention: Financial Secretary![]()
For more info contact :
Board President
For info on past pledges or your balance contact:
Financial Secretary
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Consider Becoming a Member
Newcomer's Orientation
Considering joining? Want to learn more?...
Watch Newsletter for next offering
This website's What is UU? page
Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA):
St. Lawrence District of the UUA:
Becoming a member means you align yourself with the Unitarian Universalist principles, you respect religious freedom & tolerance, & you are willing to find your own way to religious truth for yourself in a supportive community. If you have been visiting us for a while, and want to become more involved with this congregation, you may sign the Membership Book.
The difference between a member and a friend is members have signed the Membership Book, have made a financial pledge, & are committed to active participation in the church. You may already be active with us, but if you haven’t signed the Membership Book, we consider you a “friend.”
All people in the congregation are valued and important, regardless of membership or pledge status. We thank you kindly for your interest & participation!
Benefits of joining the church as a member:
You are able to vote at congregational meetings,
You receive the award-winning magazine, UU World, published quarterly;
You share an institutional commitment with a group of people who care about equality, justice & religious freedom; and
Members are not expected to pay for rites of passage performed by Minister.
Financial Commitment:
We are a self-supporting organization as we do not receive any funds from outside sources. Pledges to support the annual operating budget of the church are solicited once a year & as new members join. Pledges are necessary so the Finance Committee & Trustees are able to develop an operating budget for the following fiscal year (July 1-June 30). At the Annual Meeting, held on a Sunday in June, members & friends review the budget, & members vote on whether or not to pass that budget. All friends & members are encouraged to attend congregational meetings.
We encourage each household to pledge an annual contribution amount demonstrating their commitment to the church & Unitarian Universalism as a whole.
For more info you can contact the Minister
... We graciously thank you for your consideration & participation ...