Celebrate our VISION here with us !
Caring & supportive
Family friendly & welcoming
Free thinking & open-minded
Intellectually challenging
Inclusive inter-generational community
Celebrating individuality & diversity
Individual spiritual exploration
Liberal religious education for all ages
Open discussion of values, ethics & beliefs
Honor, nurture & value the interdependent web of all existence
We are a place where people & families gather to nurture their spirits and put their faith into action by helping to make our communities — and the world — a better place.
Our Unitarian Universalist Principles:
~ The inherent worth and dignity of every person.
~ Justice and compassion in human relations.
~ Acceptance of one another & encouragement of spiritual growth.
~ A free & responsible search for truth and meaning.
~ The right of conscience & the use of the democratic process.
~ The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all.
~ Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
Need more? See our What is UU? webpage
Our Social Action/Green Sanctuary webpage