Social Action/Green Sanctuary Committee
... See... Events page for current meeting dates & other info...
Doreen Markson & Diane StebbinsMost of the UU principles relate to areas of social justice and environmental issues...
We strive to stand up for these values & to take responsible action to implement them in our daily lives.
We are grateful for many of our members & friends who take action for good causes!SOCIAL ACTION...
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
Originally founded by Unitarians in the days before World War II to assist European refugees, the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee has been successfully partnering with grassroots organizations around the world for over 60 years to empower women, to support the struggles of oppressed racial, ethnic and indigenous groups, & to defend the rights of children. In addition, the Service Committee trains young people here at home to be the next generation of social justice leaders.
The UUSC does not receive direct support from the Unitarian Universalist Association or from any government agency. UUSC relies primarily on the contributions of its 25,000 members, supporters and volunteers.
Help our congregation to become a leader in UUSC involvement!
Consider becoming a member of the UUSC: www.uusc.orgUUA Social Justice links:
UUA Social Justice
Social Justice Resources for Your Congregation***
When you need to make your voice heard...
Links to contact Political Representatives & Media:
President of the United States
US Senators for NY State
US House of Congress
NY State Governor
New York State Senate
NY State Assembly
Letter to the Editor: Utica Observer DispatchOur FAIR TRADE Coffee, Tea, Chocolate Fundraiser (UUSC Coffee Project)
Coffee, Tea, & Chocolate can be purchased in the UU of Utica church sanctuary.
Equal Exchange continues to provide us with high quality, fair trade organic coffee, tea and chocolate, supporting small-scale farmers and democratically-run cooperatives, sustainable farming practices, and UUSC programs such as the Small Farmer Fund. Additionally, the sale provides this church with a year-round fundraiser.Community Food Bank
When you do your shopping pick up a few non-perishable items for the food bank. The collection box is on the table in the church's kitchen. The Food Bank thanks us all for our continuing support!
Habitat for Humanity
Our Social Action Committee frequently serves lunch to volunteers who assist in building houses for Habitat families!The Mohawk Valley Peace Coalition
Its mission. . .
To challenge violent conflict in all its forms by
1) increasing awareness of the consequences of and alternatives to war,
2) promoting an understanding of motivation for war, and
3) offering education on creative alternatives for conflict resolution.
More Info: Doreen Markson
Contact: Barbara Freeman
Local website with info & advice to take action.
Reducing our CARBON FOOTPRINT is everyone’s responsibility.
Our carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gases we produce as individuals, which contribute to global warming. Acting locally begins in the home.
Link here for Energy Saving & Pollution Reduction Ideas
Ideas below are from an IONS
(Institute of Noetic Science) Community Group Meeting at the UU of Utica.
"Becoming the Change – Green Ideas" :· Turn off lights/appliances when not in use
· Replace incandescent with compact florescent lights
· Keep up air pressure in your car tires
· Use environmentally-friendly cleaning/laundry products (some are concentrated which reduces containers as well as costs)
· Buy carbon offsets – more info & calculate your carbon footprint at
· Use canvas or other reusable shopping bags – (Saves on Plastic and is also a way to show your intentions publicly).
· Give eco-friendly gifts (compact florescent light bulbs, carbon offsets, eco friendly cleaning products, reusable shopping bags are a few suggestions)
· Use a thermos or refillable bottle/container- not Styrofoam
· Garden organically – or support those who do
· Eat locally grown food
· Buy through local co-ops (Utica Community Co-op & Little Falls Co-op are examples)
· Buy cruelty-free products
· Find out about the Better World Auto Club:
· Use public transportation/bike/walk
· Compost
· Educate yourself/attend workshops
· Reduce water consumption/waste
· Reduce use of paper/plastic
· Reduce packaging
· Car Pool
· Reduce support for the commercial meat industry. (The commercial meat industry in the US consumes more fossil fuels than all passenger cars in US each year. Becoming a vegetarian keeps 2.5 tons of carbon out of the atmosphere as compared with 2 tons by switching to a hybrid car.)
Compassionate Consumption
Act on your commitment to a fair economy by spending wisely, in alignment with your values!
The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) has begun a consumer advocacy initiative called "Choose Compassionate Consumption" (CCC). UUSC supporters can form a powerful consumer block promoting workers’ rights, fair trade, & a living wage.
Join this grassroots network of consumer advocates who will advance workers’ rights, fair trade, & a living wage.
Info: UUSC Compassionate Consumption
Sign the CCC pledge today
Consider having your energy supplied from wind and hydro-electric (renewable) sources.
This may cost a few more dollars a month, but it is one way we can decrease demand for nuclear & fossil fuels. National Grid's "GreenUp" - how to choose a renewable energy company
National Grid's "Preserve the Environment"